(S we/PRP dont/VBP need/VBP no/DT education/NN) we dont need no ojijoji (S hey/PRP teachers/NNS leave/VBP those/DT kids/NNS a/DT lone/NN !/. all/DT in/IN all/DT its/PRP$ just/RB a/DT nother/NN brick/NN in/IN the/DT wall/NN) hey oji leave those kids a jo ! ojijo its just a joji jo oji jyo (S mister/NN sandman/NN !/. give/VBP me/PRP a/DT treat/WDT) oji joji ! give me a ji (S will/MD you/PRP still/RB need/VBP me/PRP will/MD you/PRP still/RB feed/VBN me/PRP when/WRB im/VBP sixty/NN four/CD) will you still oji will you still joji when im oji jyo (S strangers/NNS in/IN the/DT night/NN exchanging/VBG glances/NNS wondering/VBG in/IN the/DT night/NN what/WP were/VBD the/DT chances/NNS wed/VBD be/VB sharing/VBG love/NN before/IN the/DT night/NN was/VBD through/IN) strangers in the jo ojijo glances ojijo in the jo what were the chances wed be ojijo before the jo oji (S youve/NN lost/VBD that/IN loving/VBG feeling/VBG) youve lost that oji joji (S i/PRP was/VBD working/VBG as/IN a/DT waitress/NN in/IN a/DT cocktail/NN bar/NN that/IN much/RB is/VBZ true/JJ) i was oji as a joji in an ojijo that much is jyo (S our/PRP$ house/NN in/IN the/DT middle/JJ of/IN our/PRP$ street/NN) our jo in the oji of our ji (S I/PRP want/VBP to/TO fuck/NN you/PRP like/IN an/DT animal/JJ) I want to oji like an ojijo (S billie/NN jean/JJ is/VBZ not/RB my/PRP$ lover/RB shes/VBZ just/RB a/DT girl/NN who/WP claims/VBZ that/IN i/PRP am/VBP the/DT one/CD ,but/CC the/DT kid/NN is/VBZ not/RB my/PRP$ son/NN) oji jean jo not my lover shes just a jo who joji i am the jo ,but the jo is not o jyo (S are/VBP you/PRP going/VBG to/TO scarborough/VB fair/JJ parsley/NN sage/NN rosemary/JJ and/CC thyme/VB) are you ojijo ojijo fair oji jo rosemary joji (S God/NNP bless/NN you/PRP please/VB mrs/NNS robin/NN son/NN heaven/RB holds/NNS a/DT place/NN for/IN those/DT who/WP pray/RB hey/PRP hey/PRP hey/PRP) God jo you please mrs ojijo heaven holds oji for those who pray hey o jyo (S you/PRP must/MD be/VB my/PRP$ lucky/NN star/NN cause/VB you/PRP shine/VBP on/IN me/PRP where/WRB ever/RB you/PRP are/VBP) you must be ojijo jo cause you shine on jo where ever oji (S thats/NNS me/PRP in/IN the/DT corner/NN thats/NNS me/PRP in/IN the/DT spot/NN light/JJ losing/VBG my/PRP$ religion/NN) thats me oji joji thats me ojijo light oji jo ojijo (S bye/NN bye/NN miss/NN american/MD pie/VB drove/VB my/PRP$ chevy/NN to/TO the/DT levi/NN but/CC the/DT levi/NN was/VBD dry/JJ the/DT good/JJ old/JJ boys/NNS drinking/VBG whisky/NN and/CC rye/VB singing/VBG this/DT will/MD be/VB the/DT day/NN that/IN i/PRP die/VBP) jo jo jo ojijoji pie drove my oji to the joji ojijo was dry the good old boys oji joji and rye oji this will be the jo joji jyo (S here/RB in/IN my/PRP$ car/NN i/PRP feel/VBP safest/JJS of/IN all/DT i/PRP can/MD lock/VB all/DT my/PRP$ doors/NNS its/PRP$ the/DT only/JJ way/NN to/TO live/JJ in/IN cars/NNS) here in my jo oji safest of all joji lock all my doors jo the only jo to live oji (S R/NNP E/NNP S/NNP P/NNP E/NNP C/NNP T/NNP find/VBP out/RP what/WP it/PRP means/VBZ to/TO me/PRP) R E S P ojijo find out what it oji jyo (S You/PRP are/VBP the/DT apple/NN of/IN my/PRP$ eye/NN thats/NNS why/WRB ill/JJ always/NNS be/VB around/IN) You are ojijo of my jo thats why jo oji be joji (S you/PRP can/MD stand/VB under/IN my/PRP$ umberella/NN ella/NN ella/NN eh/NN eh/NN) you can stand under my umberella oji joji oji (S dude/VBP looks/NNS like/IN a/DT lady/NN) dude looks like an oji (S ragdoll/NN living/VBG in/IN a/DT movie/NN) ragdoll ojijoji oji (S its/PRP$ close/JJ to/TO mid/VB night/NN and/CC something/NN evils/NNS lurking/VBG from/IN the/DT dark/JJ) its close to mid jo and oji evils joji oji jyo (S You/PRP would/MD not/RB believe/VB your/PRP$ eyes/NNS if/IN ten/CD thousand/CC fi/NN yer/NN flies/VBZ lit/NN up/RB the/DT world/NN as/IN i/PRP fell/VBD asleep/NN) You would ojijo your eyes if ten oji joji flies jo up oji as i fell joji (S brass/NN monkey/NN that/IN chunky/JJ monkey/NN brass/NN monkey/NN funky/JJ that/IN funky/JJ monkey/NN) ojijo that chunky oji ojijo jojijo joji oji (S Been/NNP there/EX done/NN that/IN messed/VBD a/DT round/NN I/PRP having/VBG fun/NN dont/NN put/VBD me/PRP down/RB) Been there jo that ojijo ojijo jo dont ojiji (S (PERSON Ill/NNP) never/RB let/VB you/PRP sweep/VBP me/PRP off/RB my/PRP$ feet/NN) Ill never let you oji off my jyo (S This/DT time/NN baby/NN Ill/NNP be/VB bullet/VB proof/IN) This ojijo oji bulletji (S This/DT time/NN baby/NN Ill/NNP be/VB bullet/VB proof/IN) This ojijo oji bullet jyo