student design exploration by
and play . . . macPPC
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(245 K)
an internet address so that content may be downloaded from the network
and used as random elements.Move
your mouse over the small stray squares to scroll the text.
Move your mouse over text to magnify it.Drag
the small circle at the bottom right corner of the screen and move
it up and down inside of this colorful bar to change the color of
the interface.Drag
that same circle further and hold it over any of the images in this
spinning circle to move from from one experiment to another. Try going
around the bottom left to get to your picture. It's pretty but frustrating
unless you know how to use it.
the small circular handles.Drag
the small circular handles.Drag
the small circular handles.Click
each circle and make them have offspring.Drag
the small circular handles.Click
each square to branch.Type
one letter at a time and wait for the second to last dot on the bottom
right of the screen to completely disapear before getting a surprise.Typing
letters will help you form a small web. You can also drag your sentence
with the mouse to get a better look.Type
very slow, then type very fast.
Click each word repeatedly
until the screen is filled with words.