Processing Tutorial for Flash/Lingo-ers

When I was a first year at ITP, I did a lot of social engineering in order to bring open source culture to attention. I also wished to support the efforts of some friends in another research program. I taught early releases of Processing to the students and faculty (and current faculty who were students then), and I also chose to use Processing to create a number of projects. My greatest propegandistic vessel was the "Proce55ing Workshop" (in 2002, two fives were being used in the name). My workshop was a precursor to the modern-day-ITP "drive-by seminar." I prepared a 3 hour performative coding demonstration, with a light discussion on open source. I designed my class hand-out to be not just a give-away, but something they might use more permanently. If GUI file viewing interfaces offer a user things like sort-by-date, sort-by -name, and sort-by-size, I was offering the community of Processing-incomers a reference that was sort-by-macromedia. We could reuse the knowledge the students already had and give them a fresh perspective on the debate of authorship and capitalism. By Fall Semester of 2004 (after I graduated), Processing was adopted by the NYU ITP Introduction to Computational Media course series as its primary teaching tool. My "tutorial for macromedia minds" has been translated to Japanese, and linked to by educators around the world. I am happy to have made some sort of contribution. Original Date: Saturday - Feb. 8, 2003 721 Broadway, Floor 4, Room 406 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
