a computer keyboard controlled music box. a small experiment - part of a brand new portable device effort I have begun, in order to encourage the recycling of common devices whose cultural metaphors are becoming fixed way too fast! I see that the world's household inventory is changing. I find that there is at least one PS/2 keyboard in an average household. TONEBOX has a PS/2 input jack (shown at the top left of the below picture) that allows you to type characters in order to create sound tones that come out of either the speaker (top middle) or out of the mini headphone jack (bottom middle-left). The device uses a single 9-volt battery (top right) and the entire encased device fits in your pocket. The below image was taken of the prototype, with the casing removed. The prototype costs $100 to produce. In the future, i plan to add support for PS/2 mice, and other household single-purpose devices that are currently going to waste on things like "email."
Pretty Cartoon Schematic Diagram