BLUR Creative Photoshop re-writes

Five creative variations on blur, as in the "blur" tool found in common pixel graphics editing tools. These were part of an independent study with Professor Rebecca Allen in which I made post-tool-software and post-video-game art.

These sketches were done during an independent study session with artist Rebecca Allen.

Pixels flutter away like conscious confetti.

big video

small video

Watch on Vimeo.

Chaotic scribbles order into parts of an image.

big video

small video

Watch on Vimeo.

Image surface moves forward based on pixel brightness.

big video

small video

Watch on Vimeo.

"Scan lines" move to form a new kind of pattern.

big video

small video

Watch on Vimeo.

Pixels you can brush like hair.

big video

small video

Watch on Vimeo.
